Bath and Crafts

Soap Petals
Bath & Shower Gel
Hand & Body Lotion
Milk Bath
Votive/Roly Poly Candles
Jelly Jar Candles
Wax Tarts
Smelly Jellies


4oz Bars~~ $3.00 each

We sell quality handcrafted glycerin based soaps in a variety of styles and fragrances. Only the best of ingredients are used...

- Detergent free base
- All natural

-Aloe Vera
- Pure Vegetable Formula
- No animal products or testing
- Hypo-allergenic Formula

- Vitamin E
- Skin Softening

-Excellent lather in all types of water
- Won't leave a bathtub film
- Rinses off without leaving a soap film

We also have Kid's soaps available embedded with a cool colorful vinyl goldfish (not recommended for under 3)

Thank You