Bath and Crafts

Votive/Roly Poly Candles
Soap Petals
Bath & Shower Gel
Hand & Body Lotion
Milk Bath
Votive/Roly Poly Candles
Jelly Jar Candles
Wax Tarts
Smelly Jellies

Our 15 hour highly scented votives come in your choice of fragrance. We will also be more then happy to make in bulk for any special occasion and will decorate your votive with tulle and flowers for an extra charge...just e-mail us for a quote :)

~ $.99 each

Glass votive candles~ $1.50each

Our Roly Poly Jar Candles are highly scented and come in your choice of fragrance and burn between 25-30 hours

Roly Poly Jar Candles~ $3.00

Thank You